
I am a Holistic Practitioner, Intuitive guide, Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic consultant and writer, based in India. With a passion for yoga philosophy, sacred mantra and Ayurveda, I love to bring these ancient practices to the modern world. Sharing yoga sadhana and Ayurveda, as a lifestyle for enhancing health and well-being naturally and holistically.

Ayurvedic herbs and remedies for immunity boosting in winter time

As the weather is changing, cold and flu season is upon us in the northern hemisphere!  As the temperature decreases, it can cause imbalances in our systems and weaken our immunity and resistance to certain viruses, colds, flu, sickness bugs and so on.  At this time imbalances /aggravation in Vata and Kapha doshas are common.

Ayurvedic herbs and remedies for immunity boosting in winter time Read More »

Transitioning from Summer into Autumn with the Wisdom of Ayurveda

In the Northern hemisphere Autumn time is typically characterised by “Vata” type qualities, such as:- dry, rough, windy, erratic, cool, subtle, and clear. Vata consists of the elements air and ether. In Ayurveda like increases like and therefore Autumn is considered Vata season and as such it is the time that this dosha can easily

Transitioning from Summer into Autumn with the Wisdom of Ayurveda Read More »