This “mini blog” continues a theme this week on supporting womens’ hormones, cycles and the changes we go through naturally during and leading up to menopause.
I am always interested in new ways to help support my health and wellness naturally, and regularly take seeds to support my nutrition for various reasons myself. However it wasnt until recently that I was introduced to the practice of seed cycling by Laura Shipp Wellbeing to naturally help support hormone balance for women of all ages. There are many reasons why a womens’ hormones may become unbalanced, and seed cycling is one of the easiest ways to help support and regulate hormones in a natural, safe and gentle way.
Seed cycling is the practice of eating specific seeds during the two main phases of the menstrual cycle (follicular and luteal) to help promote the healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone levels. This practice can help reduce PMS symptoms, boost fertility, and can help stimulate menstruation when absent (known as amenorrhea), as well as support women experiencing symptoms of and leading up to menopause.
The practice is simple!:-
- For the first 13 – 14 days of your cycle (from day 1 of your period – ovulation), take 1 – 2 tablespoon of ground flax and 1-2 tablespoons ground pumpkin seeds daily.
- Then for days 15 – 28 of your cycle (or ovulation to menstruation) take 1 -2 tablespoons of ground sunflower and 1- 2 tablespoons ground sesame seeds until the start of your next cycle (when your period begins again).
It may take up to 3 months to see changes after introducing this practice consistently in your diet. Try it and see how it works for you.

- There are many other ways that may help to balance hormones naturally including:
Ensuring your lifestyle and diet is balanced overall. - Regular, consistent, moderate exercise.
- Ensuring you are sleeping well and ideally in a good routine with this, in bed with lights out by 10pm, rising by 5 or 6am.
- Having black out curtains (light can really affect the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. When this becomes out of balance it not only affects our quality of sleep but then also can have a knock on effect on other hormones.)
- Look after your mental health and stress levels. Take enough time for yourself to relax, unwind and rejuvenate. Having a regular meditation and yoga practice is great for this!
- Getting vitamin and mineral levels tested to check if you are lacking in anything. Vitamin B, D, iodine, iron and zinc are common deficiencies seen in women. (Be sure to seek proper medical advice on this to ensure your individual needs are understood and right approach for you).
- Consider ayurvedic herb supplements such as shatavari and ashwaganda. Shatavari is a well known adaptogenic herb and womens tonic for reproductive health and function, which is commonly used in India for women of all ages. Ashwaganda, is known to improve vitality, strength and energy, balance hormones, reduce stress, anxiety and depression, helps improve sleep.
- Avoid dairy products or any non organic animal products which can contain hormones.
- Avoid chemicals by opting for organic products where possible as well as natural skin products. You also absorb toxins through the skin!
- Avoid processed foods – opt for fresh, whole foods instead.
- Drink pure natural mineral water and ensure you are drinking enough.
Please note: Hormone balance is such a finely balanced and complex science and many individual factors and lifestyle choices come into play. Please seek medical advice from a doctor or professional to test your hormone levels and seek diagnosis for any health concerns or conditions.

For more information contact me for a free clarity call.