Holistic wellbeing, for a life in balance. Feel Empowered on your journey to wholeness. Rediscover your light.
Amrita Holistics stands for a lifestyle that inspires balanced healthy living for mind, body & soul.
It was founded and based on these principles.
I take a holistic, blended approach in empowering women on their healing journey, to find their purpose and reach their fullest potential. Creating lasting wellness & healing through bringing balance, peace and alignment to mind, body and soul.
The word “Amrita”, is a Sanskrit word meaning – nectar, or elixir of immortality (in very simple terms).
To know oneself as a soul (that which is eternal) – is really the nectar and purpose of any spiritual practice.
For me the gift of Ayurveda, a yogic, and indeed holistic lifestyle is in simple terms a guide to self care, how to love and nurture ourselves more so we can get in touch with the divinity that lies within us all.
That is the real meaning of seeing the body as a temple, and is something that I often refer to.
It is something I have experienced deeply myself, and had what I call an “epiphany” about, around 2014- 2015, after years of neglecting myself, and my own wellbeing, so caught up in the external “noise” of modern day city life.
To stop, slow down, go within, listen and connect with the wisdom of my own body, was revolutionary for me and marked a turning point in my life.
For when we are connected with and grounded in our own body. Really consciously learn to nourish ourselves from the inside out, it ripples out to all areas of our life. Being grounded and connected in this way also enables us to go deeper within, to connect with the true essence of who we are, as well as expand our consciousness and connect spiritually.
So to treat our body as a divine vessel of the soul – that which blesses us with all our senses and ability to experience our life here in this reality. To really know, understand, experience and treat it as a temple is to know the divine grace of being human. To live life optimally and to the fullest, highest expression.
Nectar for the ...
Mind * Body * Soul

A holistic lifestyle considers the person as a whole – mind, body & soul. And all aspects of life play an important role in relation to our wellbeing.
Its about finding balance between all these elements within and without.
The benefits of a holistic approach are many, not least: –
- The person is seen and treated as a whole – mind, body, and soul to bring lasting health, wellness, spiritual growth, mental and emotional balance to your life.
- All aspects of a persons life and lifestyle are taken into account.
- Ongoing support and guidance, you are consulted every step of the way.
- Different healing modalities and options to support you which are, gentle, non-invasive, and natural.
- You are seen as a person, and an individual and not an ailment or condition.

Therapeutic Application of Yoga & Yoga as a Lifestyle

Energy Medicine & Vibrational Therapies, Bachs Flower Remedies and Aromatherapy

Coaching, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Counselling & Intuitive Guidance

An Introduction, Founder Of Amrita Holistics: Corinne Cooke

“My Heartfelt Offering is to empower the women I work with to make positive lifestyle changes, to find their purpose, reach their fullest potential and ultimately live happier healthier lives.”
Having worked in the corporate world for 15 years, I understand the pressures of modern life and the toll it can take on wellbeing. My personal journey toward healing led me to explore holistic therapies, from yoga and Ayurveda to NLP, coaching and energy medicine. In 2016, I made the decision to dedicate my life to helping women find their own path to balance and transformation. Today, I offer tailored sessions & programmes that combine ancient wisdom with modern practices to support mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Whether you’re facing stress, anxiety, or simply seeking deeper connection, I’m here to guide you on your journey to wholeness.
I am a certified Holistic Health Practitioner trained in a number of modalities including the therapeutic application of Yoga, foundations of Ayurveda, meditation, coaching, holistic counselling, NLP, Metaphysical Anatomy Technique (MAT), energy medicine and more.

Clients often describe my approach as empowering and insightful, and they value the personal, intuitive guidance I bring to each session. I’m passionate about helping women connect to their deeper selves, trust their inner vision, and live in alignment with their true potential. Together, we will foster lasting change and healing from the inside out.

Registered on UK Directory of Healers & Therapists
Accredited Member of International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT)

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